Welcome to my site devoted to my collection of Ancient Roman and Greek empress coins. The age of these coins range in date from about 300 BC to about 500 AD. Below are linked the photos, descriptions, and explanations of each of the twenty coins, along with biographies of the empresses who appear on them. I hope you will find this site interesting and helpful. If perhaps you have any comments or questions, please sign my guestbook or send me an email at bonna-dea@rocketmail.com. Thank you

- Berenice, Queen of Egypt, Wife of Ptolemy III (c. 273-221BC)
- Livia, Wife of Augustus, Mother of Tiberius (58BC-29AD)
- Sabina, Wife of Hadrian (C. 83/86-137AD)
- Faustina The Elder, Wife of Antoninus Pius (C. 94-141AD) (4 coins)
- Faustina The Younger, Daughter of Antoninus Pius, Wife of Marcus Aurelius (C. 130-176AD) (3 coins)
- Crispina, Wife of Commodus (164-183AD) (2 coins)
- Julia Domna, Wife of Septimius Severus, Mother of Caracalla (C. 165-217AD)
- Julia Maesa, Grandmother of Elagabalus and Alexander Severus (Died 225AD)
- St. Helena, Mother of Constantine the Great (Died 337AD)
- Aelia Flacilla, Wife of Theodosius I, Mother of Arcadius and Honorius (Died 395AD) (2 coins)
- Eudoxia, Wife of Arcadius (Died 404AD)
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